Emerging Resources Nuclear Event Hero

Emerging Resources: Advanced Nuclear and Alternative Fuels

We’re undergoing one of the most significant transformations in our history as we strive to meet Washington state’s clean energy laws, while continuing to deliver the safe, reliable, and affordable energy our customers expect.

To achieve that goal, we are exploring new and emerging options for electric generation, including advanced nuclear technology and alternative fuels like renewable natural gas. Join us for a discussion with experts from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and PSE staff on what these resources are, their potential viability, and how they might help us achieve our goal of creating a reliable, clean energy future.

You can familiarize yourself with the information that will be covered during this event by following these links:

Emerging Resources: Small modular nuclear and alternative fuels
Hosted by PSE’s Resource Planning Team
1:30pm – 3:00pm
Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Register now!

The virtual event will be hosted on Zoom. You will not need a Zoom account to join.

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